Portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
Published in Preprint (Submitted), 2024
This paper demonstrates that the use of k-means clustering on node2vec embedding vectors gives weakly consistent community recovery for stochastic block models.
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Calculus-Based Introduction to Statistics, Columbia University, Statistics, 2021
I was a grader for Dr. Joyce Robbins, and in charge of grading weekly homework assignments.
Intermediate Macroeconomics, Columbia University, Economics, 2021
I was a teaching assistant for Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martin and his section of Intermediate Macroeconomics.
Calculus-Based Introduction to Statistics, Columbia University, Statistics, 2022
I was a grader for Professor Samory Kpotufe, and in charge of grading weekly homework assignments and select exams.
Calculus-Based Introduction to Statistics, Columbia University, Statistics, 2022
I was a grader for Professor Johannes Wiesel, and in charge of grading weekly homework assignments.
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, University of Michigan, Statistics, 2023
I was a teaching assistant for Dr. John Keane, and in charge of holding weekly recitations, as well as grading exams and weekly homework.
Topics in Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Statistics, 2024
I was a teaching assistant for Dr. Paul Green, and in charge of holding weekly office hours in addition to grading homework.